Welcome to my personal website

I am a Climate Economist based at the University of Oxford and at the Austrian Ministry of Finance. I have obtained a DPhil (PhD) in the field of Climate Econometrics at the University of Oxford. In my research, I focus on the econometric estimation of future economic impacts of climate change, while further research interests include the effectiveness of climate policy, especially carbon pricing based mitigation policy.

In my research, I make ample use of econometric time series and panel methods and contribute to the development of open-source estimation software, such as the gets R-package.

I am based at the School of Geography and Environment and am associated with the Climate Econometrics project at Nuffield College as well as with the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School and the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment.

As a Clarendon Scholar, my DPhil was supported by the Clarendon Fund, while my research is supervised by Prof Sir David F Hendry and Prof Cameron Hepburn.

You can find my publication list here.