Forecast OSEM model
Forecast OSEM model
exog_predictions = NULL,
n.ahead = 10,
ci.levels = c(0.5, 0.66, 0.95),
exog_fill_method = "AR",
ar.fill.max = 4,
plot.forecast = TRUE,
uncertainty_sample = 100,
quiet = FALSE
- model
A model object of class 'osem'.
- exog_predictions
A data.frame or tibble with values for the exogenous values. The number of rows of this data must be equal to n.ahead.
- n.ahead
Periods to forecast ahead
- ci.levels
Numeric vector. Vector with confidence intervals to be calculated. Default: c(0.5,0.66,0.95)
- exog_fill_method
Character, either 'AR', 'auto', or 'last'. When no exogenous values have been provided, these must be inferred. When option 'exog_fill_method = "AR"' then an autoregressive model is used to further forecast the exogenous values. With 'last', simply the last available value is used. 'auto' is an
model.- ar.fill.max
Integer. When no exogenous values have been provided, these must be inferred. If option 'exog_fill_method = "AR"' then an autoregressive model is used to further forecast the exogenous values. This options determines the number of AR terms that should be used. Default is 4.
- plot.forecast
Logical. Should the result be plotted? Default is TRUE.
- uncertainty_sample
Integer. Number of draws to be made for the error bars. Default is 100.
- quiet
Logical. Should messages about the forecast procedure be suppressed?
spec <- dplyr::tibble(
type = c(
dependent = c(
independent = c(
"TOTS - FinConsExpHH - FinConsExpGov - GCapitalForm - Export",
"GValueAdd + Import",
"FinConsExpHH + GCapitalForm"
fa <- list(geo = "AT", s_adj = "SCA", unit = "CLV05_MEUR")
fb <- list(geo = "AT", s_adj = "SCA", unit = "CP_MEUR")
filter_list <- list("P7" = fa, "YA0" = fb, "P31_S14_S15" = fa,
"P5G" = fa, "B1G" = fa, "P3_S13" = fa, "P6" = fa)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
a <- run_model(specification = spec, dictionary = NULL,
inputdata_directory = NULL, filter_list = filter_list,
download = TRUE, save_to_disk = NULL, present = FALSE)
} # }