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This is a vignette to describe the process to add a new variable to the Dictionary of the package. This is necessary if we want to use a new variable in the OSEM Model. Here we initially discuss three cases: 1) the case of adding a Eurostat variable and 2) adding a new variable from the EDGAR emission dataset and lastly 3) to simply create a new identity based on existing variables.


This is an example how you add a new variable to the Dictionary:

# Add a new row to 'dict', which is an element of the osem package
dict %>% 
    model_varname = "IndProd", # this is free to choose but must be unique
    full_name = "An index of Industrial Production",
    database  = "eurostat",
    variable_code = "PRD", # in this case use the bt_indicator information here
    dataset_id = "sts_inpr_q",
    var_col = "indic_bt", # here we specify what the column with the variables is called
    freq = "q", # for quarterly data, 'm' would be monthly
    geo = "AT",
    unit = "I15", # for index of 2015 = 100
    s_adj = "NSA", # not seasonally adjusted
    nace_r2 = "B-D")) -> new_dict

# now use the new_dict in run_model

Some general remarks about the Dictionary

The dictionary is the central store of information that is being used for us to “translate” difficult data codes into useful variable names - and it is also central for us to tell the OSEM Model what to download.

Let’s take a look at the dictionary:

dict %>% as_tibble %>% slice(1:10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 14
#>    model_varname full_name database variable_code dataset_id var_col freq  geo  
#>    <chr>         <chr>     <chr>    <chr>         <chr>      <chr>   <chr> <chr>
#>  1 TOTS          Total Su… NA       TOTS          NA         NA      NA    NA   
#>  2 GDP           Gross do… eurostat B1GQ          namq_10_g… na_item q     AT   
#>  3 GValueAdd     Value ad… eurostat B1G           namq_10_a… na_item q     AT   
#>  4 Export        Exports … eurostat P6            namq_10_g… na_item q     AT   
#>  5 Import        Imports … eurostat P7            namq_10_g… na_item q     AT   
#>  6 GCapitalForm  Gross ca… eurostat P5G           namq_10_g… na_item q     AT   
#>  7 FinConsExp    Final co… eurostat P3            namq_10_g… na_item q     AT   
#>  8 FinConsExpGov Final co… eurostat P3_S13        namq_10_g… na_item q     AT   
#>  9 FinConsExpHH  Househol… eurostat P31_S14_S15   namq_10_g… na_item q     AT   
#> 10 StatDiscrep   Statisti… eurostat YA0           namq_10_g… na_item q     AT   
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: unit <chr>, s_adj <chr>, nace_r2 <chr>,
#> #   ipcc_sector <chr>, cpa2_1 <chr>, siec <lgl>

A few words about the variables/columns in the dictionary: There are a few crucial columns that will nearly always be needed/useful. These are:

  • model_varname: Variable name in the model equations, must be unique.

  • full_name: Full name/description of the variable.

Currently full in use are also the columns:

  • database: Name of the database. Internally implemented are “eurostat” and “edgar.”

  • variable_code: Identifier of the variable if applicable, e.g., Eurostat variable code.

  • dataset_id: Identifier of the dataset where the variable is available, e.g., Eurostat dataset code or link to file on the web.

More varied is the use of:

  • var_col: Name of variable/column in the dataset.

  • freq: Frequency of the variable in the dataset. “m” for monthly, “q” for quarterly.

  • geo: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.

  • unit: Eurostat unit in which the variable is measured, e.g., to choose between different measurements for the same variable.

  • s_adj: Eurostat seasonal adjustment or not.

  • nace_r2: Eurostat identifier for NACE Rev. 2 classification.

  • ipcc_sector: EDGAR IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, see link. “TOTAL” is not an official IPCC code but is internally interpreted to use country totals.

  • cpa2_1: Eurostat identifier for Classification of Products by Activity (CPA).

  • siec: Standard International Energy Product Classification, e.g., for Eurostat.

Adding a variable from Eurostat

Firstly, head over to Eurostat to find out more about the variable you would like to add. There are a few data viewer options in Eurostat, but we recommend using the “Data Explorer” for this. Here is a good link to get started:

Eurostat Data Viewer Data Navigation Tree

Identifying the correct information needed

Now let’s assume that we want to add some form of Industrial Production to the dataset (Link). So we head back to the data tree and select the quarterly dataset for Industrial Production (sts_inpr_q):

Now let’s take a closer look at the data features that are typically at the top of the screen:

This already gives us something crucial: the dataset identifier, in this case sts_inpr_q. This corresponds to the column dataset_id in the Dictionary dict.

To find out even more about all the detailed features of the dataset, we click on the big encircled + that are e.g. next to “Time” or “Unit of Measure”. This gives us the ability to play around a bit more and define a custom dataset for our specific needs:

This really is the window that we will need to focus on quite a bit. First of all, we note that the different dimensions of the data are encapsulated in square brackets [ ], like time, indicator_bt, or s_adj, here the most relevant marked in yellow:

To identify the correct data, we now need to click through the different dimensions and make note of what it is that we want to use.

While the available types will vary depending on Eurostat data, most variables relevant for the OSEM Model will include:

  • Some variable that indicates the specific variable name, like na_item or indic_bt, depending on the Eurostat guidelines associated with the data collection method used.

  • time

  • geo: the geography that the data belongs to (see Glossary:Country codes - Statistics Explained ( for more information on the format).

  • unit: the unit of the variable like €, tonnes, %, etc. (frequently also some kind of indices like I15 for Index = 2015). This corresponds to the unit column in the Dictionary dict.

  • s_adj: Seasonal Adjustment, e.g. NSA refers to “No Seasonal Adjustment”

  • Sometimes the data we consider can be broken down even further, e.g. according to sectors or physical quantities (like different greenhouse gases). These include for example things like:

    • nace_r2: A column and indicator that indicates the sector according to the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Revision 2)

    • cp2_1: A column and indicator that indicates the Statistical classification of products by activity, 2.1 (CPA 2.1)

    • siec: Standard International Energy Product Classification

Based on all the information above, let’s say that we want to add a variable from the dataset sts_inpr_q:

  • industrial production,

  • that spans all NACE rev. 2 sectors in the sectors B to D,

  • for Austria,

  • using the unit of an index that is set to the 2015 value and

  • is not seasonally adjusted.

Checking the new variable

Given this information, let’s try to download it first - using the get_eurostat function from the {eurostat} package:

dat_raw <- get_eurostat(id = "sts_inpr_q")
#> # A tibble: 4,727,406 × 8
#>    freq  indic_bt nace_r2 s_adj unit  geo   TIME_PERIOD values
#>    <chr> <chr>    <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr> <date>       <dbl>
#>  1 Q     PRD      B       CA    I10   AT    1996-01-01    64.2
#>  2 Q     PRD      B       CA    I10   AT    1996-04-01    85.6
#>  3 Q     PRD      B       CA    I10   AT    1996-07-01    90.1
#>  4 Q     PRD      B       CA    I10   AT    1996-10-01    87.1
#>  5 Q     PRD      B       CA    I10   AT    1997-01-01    66.6
#>  6 Q     PRD      B       CA    I10   AT    1997-04-01    82.1
#>  7 Q     PRD      B       CA    I10   AT    1997-07-01    85.9
#>  8 Q     PRD      B       CA    I10   AT    1997-10-01    82.2
#>  9 Q     PRD      B       CA    I10   AT    1998-01-01    69.2
#> 10 Q     PRD      B       CA    I10   AT    1998-04-01    91.1
#> # ℹ 4,727,396 more rows

Now let’s filter this raw dataset down to the data series that we need:

dat_raw %>% 
  filter(indic_bt == "PRD", # for industrial production variable
         nace_r2 == "B-D", # to select all NACE rev 2 sectors in B, C, and D
         s_adj == "NSA", # to get the raw, non-adjusted data
         unit == "I15", # to get the 2015 Index
         geo == "AT" # to get only the Austrian data
         ) -> dat_AT
#> # A tibble: 112 × 8
#>    freq  indic_bt nace_r2 s_adj unit  geo   TIME_PERIOD values
#>    <chr> <chr>    <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr> <date>       <dbl>
#>  1 Q     PRD      B-D     NSA   I15   AT    1996-01-01    50.9
#>  2 Q     PRD      B-D     NSA   I15   AT    1996-04-01    51.9
#>  3 Q     PRD      B-D     NSA   I15   AT    1996-07-01    51.9
#>  4 Q     PRD      B-D     NSA   I15   AT    1996-10-01    56  
#>  5 Q     PRD      B-D     NSA   I15   AT    1997-01-01    51.8
#>  6 Q     PRD      B-D     NSA   I15   AT    1997-04-01    55.7
#>  7 Q     PRD      B-D     NSA   I15   AT    1997-07-01    55.6
#>  8 Q     PRD      B-D     NSA   I15   AT    1997-10-01    60.9
#>  9 Q     PRD      B-D     NSA   I15   AT    1998-01-01    57.1
#> 10 Q     PRD      B-D     NSA   I15   AT    1998-04-01    60.4
#> # ℹ 102 more rows

This looks quite good. We can plot this really quickly:

ggplot(dat_AT, aes(x = TIME_PERIOD, y = values, color = indic_bt)) + 
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) + 
  # add some styling
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0)) + # to get a line through 0
  labs(title = "Industrial Production in Austria", x = NULL, y = "Industrial Production Index, 2015 = 100") + 
  theme_minimal(base_size = 15)+
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Adding the variable to the dictionary

Now that we know what the data looks like and have verified that this is what we want to add, we can add this to the dictionary. For this, we consider the column names of the dictionary again.

dict %>% names
#>  [1] "model_varname" "full_name"     "database"      "variable_code"
#>  [5] "dataset_id"    "var_col"       "freq"          "geo"          
#>  [9] "unit"          "s_adj"         "nace_r2"       "ipcc_sector"  
#> [13] "cpa2_1"        "siec"

And of course checking the documentation of dict again:


Essentially, we need to add our new variable to our dictionary by simply adding it as a new row. We can e.g. do this with rbind() or bind_rows(). Depending on the variable that we consider, we will need to fill out as many columns as possible. For our example this means:

dict %>% 
    model_varname = "IndProd", # this is free to choose but must be unique
    full_name = "An index of Industrial Production",
    database  = "eurostat",
    variable_code = "PRD", # in this case use the bt_indicator information here
    dataset_id = "sts_inpr_q",
    var_col = "indic_bt", # here we specify what the column with the variables is called
    freq = "q", # for quarterly data, 'm' would be monthly
    geo = "AT",
    unit = "I15", # for index of 2015 = 100
    s_adj = "NSA", # not seasonally adjusted
    nace_r2 = "B-D")) -> new_dict

Now we are done and have successfully created a new dictionary!!

new_dict %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
#> # A tibble: 6 × 14
#>   model_varname  full_name database variable_code dataset_id var_col freq  geo  
#>   <chr>          <chr>     <chr>    <chr>         <chr>      <chr>   <chr> <chr>
#> 1 CDD            Cooling … eurostat CDD           nrg_chdd_m indic_… m     AT   
#> 2 EmiCH4Livesto… Methane … edgar    NA            https://j… NA      m     AT   
#> 3 EmiCO2Industry Carbon E… edgar    NA            https://j… NA      m     AT   
#> 4 EmiCO2Combust… Carbon E… edgar    NA            https://j… NA      m     AT   
#> 5 EmiN2OTotal    Nitrous … edgar    NA            https://j… NA      m     AT   
#> 6 IndProd        An index… eurostat PRD           sts_inpr_q indic_… q     AT   
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: unit <chr>, s_adj <chr>, nace_r2 <chr>,
#> #   ipcc_sector <chr>, cpa2_1 <chr>, siec <lgl>

Quickly run a small model to check if it works:

We can now put this to the test in an extremely small model. We construct a model of the CO[2] Emissions in Industry as a function of Gas and Electricity Prices as well as our new measure for Industrial Production:

EmiCO2Industry=HICPGas+HICPElectricity+IndProd EmiCO2Industry = HICP_{Gas} + HICP_{Electricity} + IndProd

This is then the specification that we will run - with the type being n that denotes a Definition and will therefore be estimated:

specification <- dplyr::tibble(
  type = c(
  dependent = c(
  independent = c(
    "HICP_Gas + HICP_Electricity + IndProd"
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   type  dependent      independent                          
#>   <chr> <chr>          <chr>                                
#> 1 n     EmiCO2Industry HICP_Gas + HICP_Electricity + IndProd

With that specification set up, we now run the model using the new_dict that we constructed earlier.

model <- run_model(specification = specification,
                   dictionary = new_dict,
                   present = FALSE,
                   quiet = TRUE,
          = FALSE)

Let’s visualise this model alongside its forecast:

mod_fcast <- forecast_model(model, plot = FALSE)
#> No exogenous values provided. Model will forecast the exogenous values with an AR4 process (incl. Q dummies, IIS and SIS w 't.pval = 0.001').
#> Alternative is exog_fill_method = 'last'.