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Get robust Standard Errors for the isatpanel result


  robust = TRUE,
  lag = NULL,
  type = "HC0",
  cluster = "group"



An isatpanel object


Logical (TRUE or FALSE). Should the Standard Errors be robustified for Heterogeneity? This uses plm::vcovHC with the specified type (default is "HC0").


Should Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Robust Standard Errors be used? This uses plm::vcovNW, which uses the Newey-West estimator.


Maximum Number of Lags to be used with plm::vcovNW using the Newey-West estimator. Cannot be specified when HAC = FALSE. Default is NULL.


Character string. Type of Robust procedure e.g. 'HC0' for White SE or 'HC3' for Lang.


Should an object with clustered S.E. be included? Choose between 'group' or 'time' or FALSE. Uses plm::vcovHC with the cluster argument.


A list with robust estimates


# \donttest{

# Group specification
EU15 <- c("Austria", "Germany", "Denmark", "Spain", "Finland", "Belgium",
         "France", "United Kingdom", "Ireland", "Italy", "Luxembourg",
         "Netherlands", "Greece", "Portugal", "Sweden")

# Prepare sample and data
EU_emissions_road_short <- EU_emissions_road[
EU_emissions_road$country %in% EU15 &
EU_emissions_road$year >= 2000,

# Run
result <- isatpanel(
  data = EU_emissions_road_short,
  formula = ltransport.emissions ~ lgdp + I(lgdp^2) + lpop,
  index = c("country", "year"),
  effect = "twoways",
  fesis = TRUE,
  plot = FALSE,
  t.pval = 0.01
#> UIS1.fesis block 1 of 9:
#> 30 path(s) to search
#> Searching: 
#> 1 
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#> 29 
#> 30 
#> UIS1.fesis block 2 of 9:
#> 30 path(s) to search
#> Searching: 
#> 1 
#> 2 
#> 3 
#> 4 
#> 5 
#> 6 
#> 7 
#> 8 
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#> 29 
#> 30 
#> UIS1.fesis block 3 of 9:
#> 30 path(s) to search
#> Searching: 
#> 1 
#> 2 
#> 3 
#> 4 
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#> 30 
#> UIS1.fesis block 4 of 9:
#> 30 path(s) to search
#> Searching: 
#> 1 
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#> 24 
#> 25 
#> 26 
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#> 28 
#> 29 
#> 30 
#> UIS1.fesis block 5 of 9:
#> 30 path(s) to search
#> Searching: 
#> 1 
#> 2 
#> 3 
#> 4 
#> 5 
#> 6 
#> 7 
#> 8 
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#> 10 
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#> 24 
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#> 29 
#> 30 
#> UIS1.fesis block 6 of 9:
#> 30 path(s) to search
#> Searching: 
#> 1 
#> 2 
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#> 24 
#> 25 
#> 26 
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#> 28 
#> 29 
#> 30 
#> UIS1.fesis block 7 of 9:
#> 30 path(s) to search
#> Searching: 
#> 1 
#> 2 
#> 3 
#> 4 
#> 5 
#> 6 
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#> 10 
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#> 24 
#> 25 
#> 26 
#> 27 
#> 28 
#> 29 
#> 30 
#> UIS1.fesis block 8 of 9:
#> 30 path(s) to search
#> Searching: 
#> 1 
#> 2 
#> 3 
#> 4 
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#> 6 
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#> 29 
#> 30 
#> UIS1.fesis block 9 of 9:
#> 30 path(s) to search
#> Searching: 
#> 1 
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#> 28 
#> 29 
#> 30 
#> GETS of union of retained UIS1.fesis variables... 
#> 1 path(s) to search
#> Searching: 
#> 1 
#> GETS of union of ALL retained variables...
#> 1 path(s) to search
#> Searching: 
#> 1 
#> $plm_object
#> Model Formula: y ~ lgdp + I.lgdp.2. + lpop + fesisAustria.2002 + fesisAustria.2013 + 
#>     fesisGermany.2003 + fesisGermany.2012 + fesisGreece.2009 + 
#>     fesisIreland.2006 + fesisIreland.2010 + fesisIreland.2015 + 
#>     fesisLuxembourg.2004 + fesisLuxembourg.2015 + fesisNetherlands.2014 + 
#>     fesisPortugal.2011
#> <environment: 0x5585e7bec278>
#> Coefficients:
#>                  lgdp             I.lgdp.2.                  lpop 
#>              2.287131             -0.029855             -0.261160 
#>     fesisAustria.2002     fesisAustria.2013     fesisGermany.2003 
#>              0.115518              0.077869             -0.132952 
#>     fesisGermany.2012      fesisGreece.2009     fesisIreland.2006 
#>              0.089422              0.084741              0.100614 
#>     fesisIreland.2010     fesisIreland.2015  fesisLuxembourg.2004 
#>             -0.111447             -0.157951              0.155470 
#>  fesisLuxembourg.2015 fesisNetherlands.2014    fesisPortugal.2011 
#>             -0.170946             -0.076880             -0.042849 
#> $robust
#> t test of coefficients:
#>                        Estimate Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)    
#> lgdp                   2.287131   0.954749   2.3955  0.017373 *  
#> I.lgdp.2.             -0.029855   0.017096  -1.7463  0.082056 .  
#> lpop                  -0.261160   0.163285  -1.5994  0.111061    
#> fesisAustria.2002      0.115518   0.010315  11.1988 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> fesisAustria.2013      0.077869   0.013883   5.6090 5.653e-08 ***
#> fesisGermany.2003     -0.132952   0.011923 -11.1507 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> fesisGermany.2012      0.089422   0.016780   5.3291 2.296e-07 ***
#> fesisGreece.2009       0.084741   0.025463   3.3280  0.001014 ** 
#> fesisIreland.2006      0.100614   0.018419   5.4625 1.185e-07 ***
#> fesisIreland.2010     -0.111447   0.012579  -8.8598 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> fesisIreland.2015     -0.157951   0.050985  -3.0980  0.002184 ** 
#> fesisLuxembourg.2004   0.155470   0.019633   7.9188 9.252e-14 ***
#> fesisLuxembourg.2015  -0.170946   0.029054  -5.8837 1.359e-08 ***
#> fesisNetherlands.2014 -0.076880   0.011473  -6.7012 1.494e-10 ***
#> fesisPortugal.2011    -0.042849   0.016701  -2.5656  0.010916 *  
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> $cluster
#> t test of coefficients:
#>                        Estimate Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)    
#> lgdp                   2.287131   0.954749   2.3955  0.017373 *  
#> I.lgdp.2.             -0.029855   0.017096  -1.7463  0.082056 .  
#> lpop                  -0.261160   0.163285  -1.5994  0.111061    
#> fesisAustria.2002      0.115518   0.010315  11.1988 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> fesisAustria.2013      0.077869   0.013883   5.6090 5.653e-08 ***
#> fesisGermany.2003     -0.132952   0.011923 -11.1507 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> fesisGermany.2012      0.089422   0.016780   5.3291 2.296e-07 ***
#> fesisGreece.2009       0.084741   0.025463   3.3280  0.001014 ** 
#> fesisIreland.2006      0.100614   0.018419   5.4625 1.185e-07 ***
#> fesisIreland.2010     -0.111447   0.012579  -8.8598 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> fesisIreland.2015     -0.157951   0.050985  -3.0980  0.002184 ** 
#> fesisLuxembourg.2004   0.155470   0.019633   7.9188 9.252e-14 ***
#> fesisLuxembourg.2015  -0.170946   0.029054  -5.8837 1.359e-08 ***
#> fesisNetherlands.2014 -0.076880   0.011473  -6.7012 1.494e-10 ***
#> fesisPortugal.2011    -0.042849   0.016701  -2.5656  0.010916 *  
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
# }