Prepare the clean dataframe for modelling
Prepare the clean dataframe for modelling
- raw_data
A tibble or data.frame with the y variable and the x variables. Needs to have a column called 'time', which is of class
. Variable names need to be in column 'na_item', and values in column 'values'.-
Integer. The maximum number of lags to use for the AR terms. as well as for the independent variables.
- max.dl
Integer. The maximum number of lags to use for the independent variables (the distributed lags).
- trend
Logical. Should a trend be added? Default is TRUE.
- opts_df
Internal object containing detailed options and information on individual modules.
- module
A row of the specification table.
- use_logs
To decide whether to log any variables. Must be one of 'both', 'y', 'x', or 'none'. Default is 'both'.