Dictionary for translating model variable names
A dataset containing the model variable names and all information required for obtaining the data.
A tibble with 40 rows and 14 variables:
- model_varname
Variable name in the model equations, must be unique
- full_name
Full name/description of the variable
- database
Name of the database. Internally implemented are
- variable_code
Identifier of the variable if applicable, e.g. Eurostat variable code
- dataset_id
Identifier of the dataset where the variable is available, e.g. Eurostat dataset code or link to file on the web
- var_col
Name of variable/column in dataset
- freq
Frequency of the variable in the dataset.
for monthly,"q"
for quarterly- geo
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
- unit
Eurostat unit in which the variable is measured, e.g. to choose between different measurements for the same variable
- s_adj
Eurostat seasonal adjustment or not
- nace_r2
Eurostat identifier for NACE Rev. 2 classification
- ipcc_sector
EDGAR IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, see https://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/2006gl/index.html.
is not an official IPCC code but is internally interpreted to use country totals.- cpa2_1
Eurostat identifier for Classification of Products by Activity (CPA)
- siec
Standard International Energy Product Classification, e.g. for Eurostat
- ...
Additional filters across the database. Need to have exactly the same column name as in the respective database
Own compilation, codes from https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat and https://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/dataset_ghg80.