Plot an Insample-Forecast of the OSEM Model
Plot an Insample-Forecast of the OSEM Model
# S3 method for class 'osem.forecast.insample'
plot(x, title = "OSEM Insample Hindcasts", first_date = NULL, ...)
- x
An object of class osem.forecast.insample, which is the output from the forecast_insample function.
- title
Character. Title of the plot. Default is "OSEM Model Forecast".
- first_date
Character. First date value to be shown. Must be a character value that can be turned into a date using as.Date() or NULL.
- ...
Additional arguments passed to the plotting function.
spec <- dplyr::tibble(
type = c(
dependent = c(
independent = c(
"TOTS - FinConsExpHH - FinConsExpGov - GCapitalForm - Export",
"GValueAdd + Import",
"FinConsExpHH + GCapitalForm"
# \donttest{
a <- run_model(specification = spec, dictionary = NULL,
inputdata_directory = NULL, primary_source = "download",
save_to_disk = NULL, present = FALSE)
#> Dataset query already saved in cache_list.json...
#> Reading cache file /tmp/RtmpZkDhMh/eurostat/6c3b6b0e3bca641c38a3203aba80cd53.rds
#> Table namq_10_a10 read from cache file: /tmp/RtmpZkDhMh/eurostat/6c3b6b0e3bca641c38a3203aba80cd53.rds
#> Dataset query already saved in cache_list.json...
#> Reading cache file /tmp/RtmpZkDhMh/eurostat/6812c7daf09bd4484ad06af6bbb985b4.rds
#> Table namq_10_gdp read from cache file: /tmp/RtmpZkDhMh/eurostat/6812c7daf09bd4484ad06af6bbb985b4.rds
#> --- Estimation begins ---
#> Estimating Import = FinConsExpHH + GCapitalForm
#> Constructing TOTS = GValueAdd + Import
#> Constructing StatDiscrep = TOTS - FinConsExpHH - FinConsExpGov - GCapitalForm - Export
#> No exogenous values provided. Model will forecast the exogenous values with an AR4 process (incl. Q dummies, IIS and SIS w 't.pval = 0.001').
#> Alternative is exog_fill_method = 'last'.
# }