Runs a module
Runs a module in two different ways depending on whether the module is endogenously modelled or endogenous by identity/definition.
- module
A row of the specification table.
- data
A tibble or data.frame containing the full data for the OSEM model.
- classification
A data.frame with two columns: 'var' stores the Eurostat variable code and 'class' the classification code (one of
, or"x"
) reflecting whether the variable is endogenous by modelling, endogenous by identity/definition, or exogenous. As returned by classify_variables.- use_logs
To decide whether to log any variables. Must be one of 'both', 'y', 'x', or 'none'. Default is 'both'.
- trend
Logical. Should a trend be added? Default is TRUE.
- ardl_or_ecm
Either 'ardl' or 'ecm' to determine whether to estimate the model as an Autoregressive Distributed Lag Function (ardl) or as an Equilibrium Correction Model (ecm).
Integer. The maximum number of lags to use for the AR terms. as well as for the independent variables.
- max.dl
Integer. The maximum number of lags to use for the independent variables (the distributed lags).
- saturation
Carry out Indicator Saturation using the 'isat' function in the 'gets' package. Needs a character vector or string. Default is 'c("IIS","SIS")' to carry out Impulse Indicator Saturation and Step Indicator Saturation. Other possible values are 'NULL' to disable or 'TIS' or Trend Indicator Saturation. When disabled, estimation will be carried out using the 'arx' function from the 'gets' package.
- saturation.tpval
The target p-value of the saturation methods (e.g. SIS and IIS, see the 'isat' function in the 'gets' package). Default is 0.01.
- max.block.size
Integer. Maximum size of block of variables to be selected over, default = 20.
- gets_selection
Logical. Whether general-to-specific selection using the 'getsm' function from the 'gets' package should be done on the final saturation model. Default is TRUE.
- selection.tpval
Numeric. The target p-value of the model selection methods (i.e. general-to-specific modelling, see the 'getsm' function in the 'gets' package). Default is 0.01.
- opts_df
Internal object containing detailed options and information on individual modules.
- quiet
Logical. Should messages about the forecast procedure be suppressed?